Did you know that women file for divorce twice as often as men? Any man that has gone through a divorce will tell you that the experience and effects it has on them is devastating. It is important to make good choices before getting married. Take into account the following information to help decrease the chances of experiencing any of these devastating outcomes.
Forty percent of marriages end in divorce. This is an unfortunate statistic. It becomes expected that people marry and therefore often occurs in haste. Getting married is all too simple. Perhaps if this process was more difficult fewer marriages would end in divorce. Take time to really get to know an individual before you choose to get married. Perhaps take marriage classes to better prepare you for spending your lifetime learning to compromise. Marriage is a journey of two people learning to combine their lives into one. If either person is not committed to this there will eventually be discourse.
With divorce as common as it is blended families are the new norm. Sixty eight percent of children between the ages of fourteen and eighteen live in a blended family. This may be the number one reasons that teen delinquency is on the rise. Children in blended families often feel the effects of their parents’ divorce and suffer from ever feeling whole again. They often feel that when their parents remarry they become less important. New love takes over a parent’s attention which can cause children to feel neglected.
When men divorce the hardest adjustment for them to make is the one with their children. It is an adjustment when they no longer see their children on a daily basis. For divorced dads it is important for them to focus on their children and becoming involved in their lives. It is crucial that they seek a parenting arrangement that allows equal parenting time. This will help secure the bond he has with his children. The worst thing a divorced dad can do is to think that visiting his children every other weekend is acceptable. Children will come to resent a father that sends a check each week but only chooses to be a part of his children’s lives on the weekend.
Another difficultly in divorce is splitting friends. Couples are often made to choose sides when their friends divorce. Many times women end up coming out on top with the friends they made as a couple. This leaves newly divorced men seeking new connections or lonely. If the man is fortunate he will have remained in touch with his guys friends pre-marriage and they will become more important as he reenters life as a single man.
The list of undesirable outcomes goes on and on for men devastated by divorce. Divorce is never the end we look at when entering into marriage however as statics show it is become increasingly common. Before you look into marriage it is crucial that you are aware of the devastation that can occur for a man if a divorce becomes inevitable. Divorce attorneys are often quoted saying that more devastation occurs for a man when going through a divorce. Women often seek out support where as men do not thus leaving them alone to navigate newly charted water.
Longton DM, a subsidiary of Longton Law Offices is a divorce attorney specializing in Men/Dad’s in divorce. For experienced representation throughout the divorce process in Trenton, Michigan and the surrounding area you can find more information at http://www.michigandivorcelawyerfordad.com.
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